Norwegian Headache
Documentary, Norway 2021

Current Affairs, Environment, Geopolitics, Global Issues, Human RightsInfo
Documentary, Norway 2021
Runtime: 52 min.
Director: Rune Denstad Langlo
Production: Motlys AS
Norway is one of the largest exporters of oil and gas in the world, which has made it one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Norway is also geographically located in the Arctic, the part of the planet that’s heating up most rapidly.
In the Norwegian Constitution, there is an article that speaks for future generations. Article 112 gives all unborn Norwegians the right to a clean environment. Now it has been tested in the Norwegian Supreme Court for the first time in history.
In a historic case, a young environmentalist takes the State of Norway to court. If he wins, climate policy will be changed forever. If he wins, it will shatter the country whose wealth is built on oil.
At stake in the Supreme Court are more than 250.000 jobs, a sovereign wealth fund worth one trillion dollars, and an unparalleled standard of living. At stake are also the air we breathe, wildlife, the ocean, our children, and the future of coming generations.
On behalf of 5 million oil wealthy Norwegians, the attorney general leads the case against the environmentalist who seeks to stop the Norwegian oil adventure.
Festivals: Off Camera Poland, DokFest Munich, Seoul Eco FF, Blue Planet FF Korea, Seoul Human Rights FF, NHDocs, Biennale B3, Budapest IDF, Reframe FF, Greenvisions