Eine ruhige Jacke

Kids & Family, SocietyInfo
Documentary, Switzerland 2010
Runtime: 74 min./52 min.
Director: Ràmon Giger
Production: Vivìsue Film
After being locked up inside himself for 26 years and not speaking a single word, a young autistic man succeeds in coming into contact with the world around him through the patient efforts of woodsman Xaver who teaches him how to cut wood and how to relate to others. Their channel of communication is nevertheless very fragile and the temptation to turn back is great. When Xaver unexpectedly dies, the question of an autistic person`s capacity for empathy unavoidably arises. This is a film of extraordinary emotional intensity.
Festivals (Selection):
Nonfiktionale 2010/Germany, Visions Du Réel – Nyon 2011/CH, Cinéma du Réel – Paris 2011/F, Docs Buenos Aires
Nonfiktionale 2010, Special Mention Visions Du Réel, Special Mention Cinéma Du Réel