Rise And Shine | News


25 Feb. 2016


We are very happy to announce the world premiere of I DIDN’T CROSS THE BORDER –  THE BORDER CROSSED ME at Human Rights Film Festival One World in Prague. The screening dates are: March 11, 17:00 at Svetozor LH March 13, 19:30 at Municipal Library SH and March 16, 14:00 Svetozor SH Also HOLY COW, CHUCK NORRIS VS. COMMUNISM and OUT OF FASHION will be part of the program. The screening dates are:   HOLY COW: March 8, 19:30 at Municipal Library SH and March, at 14:00 Svetozor SH   OUT OF FASHION: March 10, 17:30 at Municipal Library LH March 13, 13:30 at Lucerna LH March 16, 16:00 at Atlas SH   CHUCK NORRIS VS. COMMUNISM: March 9, 17:00 at Svetozor LH March 11, 22:00 at Lucerna SH and March 13, 19:30 at Béla

12 Jan. 2016

RAS @ DocPoint Helsinki

We are happy to announce the participation of the titles CLEAR YEARS, DADDY’S GIRL, DRAWING AGAINST OBLIVION, HOLY COW, THE LAST GIGOLOS and K2 – TOUCHING THE SKY at DOCPOINT HELSINKI. The festival takes place from January 25 til 31. Please find more information at docpoint.

11 Nov. 2015

Screenings at IDFA

We are at IDFA. We would be very happy to welcome you at one of the screenings of our films:   HOLY COW 19.11. 17:00 Munt 10 (World Premiere + Q+A with director) 22.11. 10:00 Tuschinski 3 (Industry Screening) 22.11. 17:15 EYE Cinema 1 24.11. 17:45 Tuschinki 5 27.11. 23:15 EYE Cinema 2 28.11. 21:45 Brakke Grond Expozaal   EVERY FACE HAS A NAME 19.11. 11:15 Munt 09 21.11. 23:00 Tuschinski 5 23.11. 18:00 Tuschinski 4 24.11. 13:45 Munt 09 27.11. 19:30 Munt 10   K2 – TOUCHING THE SKY 18.11. 13:00 Munt 10 21.11. 10:00 Tuschinski 1 22.11. 22:30 Munt 11 26:11. 20:30 Eye Cinema 2 28.11. 23:15 Tuschinski 1   PATIENT 20.11. 18:00 Tuschinski 4 21.11. 10:30 Tuschinski 6 22.11. 22:15 Munt 10 24.11. 11:30 Tuschinski 3 27.11. 20:15 Munt 04   NATURAL DISORDER 21.11. 20:45 Munt 10 22.11. 17:45 Munt 10 23.11….

12 Okt. 2015


Congrats to Magnus Gertten, who received the Award for the Best Political Film at Filmfest Hamburg this weekend.

12 Okt. 2015

RAS @ IDFA 2015

We are very proud of having four films of our catalog with a premiere at IDFA this November. The Kloos & Co. production HOLY COW by Imam Hasanov at First Appearance, the new film by Jorge Caballero, PACIENTE in the Feature Competition and two Best of Fests: K2 – TOUCHING THE SKY and EVERY FACE HAS A NAME. Meet us there from November 19 til 26.

08 Okt. 2015


We are very happy about the selection of GAYBY BABY and DADDY’S GIRL for the International Program at DokLeipzig 2015. Also our colleagues Stefan, Diana and Anja will be there from Monday 26 til Thursday 29. Please feel free to schedule a meeting through info@riseandshine-berlin.de

21 Sep. 2015


We are happy to announce the European premier of the film in three cities on the same day: 10-10 is the day for watching GAYBY BABY in Copenhagen, London and Warsaw. We are very happy to be part of BFI, Warsaw IFF and Mix Copenhagen.

16 Sep. 2015


The film is part of the International Forum at the Human Rights Film Festival in Nuremberg. Here are the screening dates: Friday, October 3, 21:15 Kommkino Saturday, October 4, 15.15 Festsaal

16 Sep. 2015


Here are the screening dates EVERY FACE HAS A NAME  at Filmfest Hamburg: Sunday, October 4, 19:00 Studio Wednesday, October 7, 19:15 Abaton And the film will be screened at the Human Rights Film Festival in Nuremberg: Tuesday, October 6, 19:15 Filmhauskino Wednesdy, October 7, 18:30 Festsaal

15 Sep. 2015


The wonderful film about the oldest Hip Hop-Dance crew of the world will come to German cinemas October 1. Don’t miss it!