Rise And Shine | News


14 Aug. 2019

Hi, AI & Sakawa

Both films will be screened at Kitzbühel IFF now in August. Also Sakawa will be screened in Melbourne now and soon in Istanbul, Split and Vienna. And Hi, AI can be seen at Russia, USA and East Asia soon.

14 Juli 2019


The film was awarded as Best Documentary in Edinburgh. Congrats to the whole team.

29 Mai 2019


We are very happy to announce that SAKAWA will have the UK premiere in the documentary competition at Edinburgh International Film Festival. Here are the screening dates: Thursday 27 June 09:10 Filmhouse 2 (Press & Industry Screening) Saturday 29 June 18:00 Filmhouse 3 (Public Screening) Sunday 30 June 13:20 Odeon 4 (Public Screening) Don’t miss it!  

14 Mai 2019

Meet us in Cannes

Diana and Anja will be at Marché du Film during May 17 and 21. We are happy to present our new line up to you.

04 Apr. 2019

Hi, AI at Festivals

New festivals are approaching for our lovely robots. Hi, AI will be in Nyon at Visions Du Réel and in Toronto at Hot Docs.

01 März 2019

Meet RAS in Copenhagen

With five films in the festival, we are very happy to travel to Copenhagen. Watch out for Hi, AI (international premiere), Sakawa, Patriotic Highway (international premiere), Where Man Returns (international premiere) and Western Arabs (national premiere).

01 Feb. 2019

Meet us @ Berlinale

We are happy to meet you in Berlin. Watch out for our market screenings of WESTERN ARABS and WHEN TOMATOES MET WAGNER.

30 Jan. 2019

When Tomatoes Met Wagner

We are proud to announce the premiere of the film during Culinary Cinema at Berlinale 2019. Please find here the screening dates: Tuesday, February 12, 3:30pm at Cubix 8 Wednesday, February 13, 10pm at Gropius Bau Cinema There will be also an EFM screening on Tuesday 12th at 11am at Gropius Bau Cinema.

30 Jan. 2019

Western Arabs

We are very happy to represent the new film of Omar Shargawi Western Arabs which will premiere at Berlinale Panorama next month. Please note the following screening dates: World premiere: February 8, 20:00 @ CineStar 7 February 9, 14:30 @ Cinestar 7 February 10, 20:15 @ Cubix 7 February 15, 17:00 @ International February 16, 20:00 @ CineStar 7

20 Jan. 2019

Hi, AI

We are very happy that the Hi, AI just was awarded as Best Documentary at prestigious MAX OPHÜLS PREIS. First festival, first win.