Documentary, Switzerland, 2022
Celebrities, Coming Of Age, Lifestyle, SocietyInfo
Documentary, Switzerland, 2022
Runtime: 98 min.
Director: Susanne Regina Meures
Production: Frei Filmproduction
Fourteen-year-old Leonie is a successful teen influencer who lives on the outskirts of Berlin. Millions of followers are at her feet, and companies shower her with products. When Leonie’s parents recognise the enormous economic potential of their daughter’s online activities, they quickly take over her management. They want Leonie to have a better life than they had. But Leonie’s life dictated by brands and pressure to produce content has a shadow side that the adrenaline, fame and free sneakers can’t make up for.
Festivals: CPH:DOX 2022, Docville, Hot Docs, Dok.Fest Munich, Docs Against Gravity, Docs Barcelona, DocEdge NZ, Film ohne Grenzen, Espoo Cine, Ambulante Mexico, Sydney Underground FF, Sofia Documental, Feed Dog Sao Paolo, DMZ Korea, Athens IFF, Reykjavik IFF, Guangzhou DOC, Kids Kino Warsaw, Astra FF, Feed Dog Sao Paolo, Protesta FF, Bergen IFF, Message To Men, Mon Premiere FF, Festival dei Popoli, Equis, Verzio, Augenblick FF, NYC DOC, IDFA, Gijon IFF, PÖFF – Just Film, Cairo IFF, Int. Crime & Punishment FF, Docu Emm, CUFF Docs, Festival Films Femmes Mediterranées, Man In Danger, Festival Les Arcs, FIPADOC, Sedona IFF, Tempo Stockholm, Kosmorama, Luxembourg City FF, Vera FF, Ecran du Doc, Feed Dog Barcelona, Ales FF, One World Prague, Zagreb Dox, Millennium Brussels
Awards: Audience Award @ DokFest Munich, Best Editing @ Doc Edge NZ