Documentary, Germany 2018

Current Affairs, Human Rights, PoliticsInfo
Documentary, Germany 2018
Runtime: 52 min.
Director: Niko Golüke, Michael Mueller, Peter F. Müller
North Korea’s game with the bomb has many teammates and spectators and is far from over. With the help of international intelligence agents and experts as well as unknown documents, the film analyses the history and background of North Korea’s nuclear program. Will the confrontation between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump lead to a nuclear war, or has Kim Jong Un become unassailable? Is the quarrel with him only a mirror fight for a horrified and unsuspecting public, while the spiral of nuclearization continues to increase?
The conflict between Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump may only be a first act. In the background, powers like Iran, Syria, Ukraine or Hezbollah are waiting for the outcome to intervene and to participate. The game with the bomb may go into a second round. A report of a game with an uncertain outcome.