Germany 2010

Kids & Family, SocietyInfo
Documentary, D 2008
Runtime: 54 min.
Director: Niko Apel
Production: Sommerhaus Filmproduktionen and Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
“Why can’t you actually find a man?” Sonbol is asked by her mother. The answer is silence. Sonbol Fatemi is 35: she is attractive, single and divorced, has her own dentist surgery, likes to tell dirty jokes and has a passion for car races – competing against men. Sonbol lives in the holy city Mashad, in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Living a life like this in Iran means that she has to fight everyday. Against her mother who would love to arrange another marriage for her. Against the sports administration that wants to exclude women from rallyes altogether. And not least, against her own doubts about God and whether He is actually by her side. SONBOL gives a unique insight into a torn society by painting the portrait of an extraordinary and unconventional woman who pays a high price in order to be her self.
Festivals (Auswahl)
Max Ophüls/D, Sehsüchte/D, First Steps/D, DOKLeipzig/D, HotDocs 2008/Kanada, Toronto, Shadow Filmfestival Amsterdam 2008, Filmwoche Bieberach 2008, Festival des deutschsprachigen Films Prag 2008, Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt 2008, Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Tübingen 2008, Adolf Grimme Preis 2009, Hamburger Dokfilmwoche 2009, Indie Lisboa 2009, Freiburger Filmforum 2009, Deutscher Dokumentarfilmpreis 2009
Adolf Grimme Preis 2009, First Steps Award „Bester Dokumentarfilm 2008“, Sehsüchte Dokumentarfilmpreis 2008, Duisburger Filmwoche Audience Award 2008, Filmfest Lünen Audience Award 2008, Max Ophüls Special Mention 2008, Filmschau Baden-Württemberg Special Mention 2008,