Around The World With The Sun

Environment, Geopolitics, ScienceInfo
Documentary, Germany 2010
Runtime: 52 min./72 min.
Director: Erik Schmitt
Production: Erik Schmitt & Daniel Thomaser
What began as a childhood dream is now an epic 18-month adventure that spans the globe. More than a few have embarked on an ‚around the world‘ adventure; some have even completed it, but no one has ever done so powered exclusively by the sun. Meet Louis Palmer and his home-made “Solartaxi”. Full of surprises and apparently insurmountable obstacles, his journey begins in the summer of 2007. Solar energy is functional, efficient, and most importantly, reliable. A car with zero emission is not a dream. This film is proof. Along the way, Louis and his Solartaxi meet princes, movie stars, politicians and scientists, but most importantly, encounter ordinary people, showing them, mobility with the mere power of the sun is possible.
FESTIVALS (Selection)
One World Film Festival 2011/CZ, EnergyFilmFestival Lausanne 2011/CH, Green Film Festival Seoul 2011/Korea, Envirofilm, Slovakai 2011, Krakow Film Festival 2011/PL, 14th CinemAmbiente – Int. Environment FF Torino 2011/Italy, Int. Environmental Film Festival, Barcelona/SP 2011, Strawberry Earth Film Festival, Amsterdam/NL 2011, 25th Pärnu Int. Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, Vukovar Film Festival 2011, UK Green Festival, Filme für die Erde – Switzerland