And Who Taught You To Drive?
You Drive Me Crazy

Comedy, Society, Women FilmmakerInfo
Documentary, Germany 2012
Runtime: 90 min. / 54 min.
Director: Andrea Thiele, Lia Jaspers
Production: Kloos & Co. Medien
Driving through traffic at home is already stressful enough. Now imagine driving a car in a completely foreign country. Mirela, moving from Germany to India, Jake moving from the USA to Japan and South Korean Hye-Won living in Germany are facing the same problem. They are all forced to obtain a new local driver’s license. Driving lessons soon become lessons of life when it starts to dawn on our protagonists that getting through the day will involve much more than just obeying the rules of the road in their host country.
A CULTURAL COMEDY about accepting that it’s difficult but fun to be different from each other.
2012: DokFest Leipzig, Kasseler DokFest
2013: SXSW, Docs Against Gravity, Moscow IFF, Cinematek Pistany, Message To Men, Edmonton FF, Comedy Cluj, Margaret Mead, Listapad Minsk