Punk And Rock In China's Capital

Documentary, D/China 2006
Runtime: 80 min. / 52 min.
Director: Susanne Messmer und George Lindt
Production: Lieblingslied Records
Theatrical Release Germany: April 19, 2007 (Kloos & Co. Medien)
Theatrical Release Austria: May 3, 2007 (Docuzone Austria)
A personal and intimate film about five punk and rock bands from Beijing and moreover about being different in the world´s fastest developing country. While everybody seems to be obsessed with social advancement and the accumulation of prosperity, these youngsters say: No!… and do their own thing. A never-seen-before look into China´s subculture featuring the bands Joyside, Hang On The Box, New Pants, T9 (Hangai-Band) and ShaZi and their great music. More:
Selected Festivals:
Kassel/D, Göteborg/SWE, Tel Aviv/ISR, Florenz/ITA, Auckland/NZ, Leeds/UK, Philadelphia/USA, MOMA New York/USA, Singapure, Oslo/NOR, Prizren/KOSOVO, RESFEST Sao Paolo/BRA und Amsterdam/NL, Rotterdam/NL