Documentary Short, 2022

Environment, Global Issues, Short, SocietyInfo
Documentary, UK 2022
Runtime: 25 min.
Directors: Evgenia Arbugaeva, Maxim Arbugaev
Production: Albireo Films
On a remote coast of the Russian Arctic in a wind-battered hut, a lonely man waits to witness an ancient gathering. But warming seas and rising temperatures bring an unexpected change, and he soon finds himself overwhelmed.
Festivals: Berlinale, Hot Docs, Vienna Short, Doc Aviv, Kurzfilmfest Hamburg, Seoul Eco FF, Cinemambiente, Leiden Short, BEAT Moscow, Palm Springs Shorts, Documentarist, Curtas Vila do conde, Tampere Ff, Lago Film Fest, First IFF Yining, Dokufest Kosovo, Cervino Cine Mountain, Sarajevo IFF, Concordo, Heceg Novi – Montenegro FF, Int. Doc & Short FF Kerala, On The Beach, Easterfield FF, Terraterra FF, Nashville IFF, Reykjavik IFF, PerSo FF, Contemporanea FF, BFI London, Festival de Nouveau Cinema, Bolton IFF, DocsMX, Imagine Science FF NY, Kurzfilmfest Cologne, Image de Ville, Mon Amour FF, Uppsala Kortfilmfestival, Seminci, Granada FF, Cinematica Ancona, Braunschweig IFF, Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Cork FF, Interfilm, Kassier Dok.Fest, NIFF NY, IsREAL Italy, Busan Int. Animal FF, Cellu l’art Jean, Tromsø FF, London Short FF, Premiers Plan, Refram FF, Boulder IFF, New York Wild FF, Durango IFF, Kamloops Film Society, DC Environmental FF, Shortfilmweek Regensburg, Glasgow Short FF, Movies That Matter, Zagreb Dox, GoShort, Dokukino Zagreb, Cinemare Kiel, Brussel Short FF, Akbank Short FF, Docs Against Gravity, FICMEC
Awards: Shortfilm Festival Hamburg – Special Mention, Seoul Eco FF – Jury Award Best Short Documentary, Cinemambiente – Jury Award Best Short Documentary, Curtas Vila do Conde – Best Documentary Award, Dokufest Kosovo – Best Short Documentary Award, Planet In Focus – Best Short Documentary Award, Shortfilmdays Winterthur – Audience Award, Cork Film Festival – Best Short Documentary Award, Kasseler Dokfest – Winner Golden Key, Brussel Short FF – Grand Prix